Thursday, 26 November 2009

Ta da !

Look what i made!!!!!!!!! My very own pair of arm warmers! Made all by myself. I'm a little bit happy ....can you tell?
Ok so there was a slight change of plan since last time,the arm warmers have been made out of what was going to be a scarf . The stripey boucle wool was proving quite tricky to knit with ( for a novice) So i was rather pleased to discover that i'd made them to long to be arm warmers ( were talking way past the elbow) as i wasn't sure i could face knitting another one .
So i made it into this ......

Note how impressed my little model is!
Ok so heres the secret...I cheated, it isn't actually a hat , it doesn't have a top bit . Really its a glorified one size fits all , headband. But i'm still jolly proud of it anyway.

And finally here is Maya's Scarf, hopefully i shall get it finished by Christmas. Hopefully i'll have it finished before .. more projects to do you know !


  1. Love the arm warmers! I'm just in the middle of making some too after getting the idea off the GP mamas. Have recently finished a scarf and would like to do a hat but the thought of a hat seems daunting for some reason. I'm curious, how did you put yours together? Is it just a wide piece of knitting joined up and gathered at the top?
    Loving that yarn you are using for Maya's scarf :)

  2. That headband thingy looks really good! And the armwarmers are fab too.

  3. Talie ...I've cheated the hat isn't gathered up at the top is a wide piece of knitting joined at the side. But it was a very effective earwarmer type headband yesterday morning in the cold!

    Charlotte xx

  4. hehehe, I love the look of your model!! About how my boys would look if I got them to model my knitting! It looks very cosy though, even if it doesn't have a top and the other knits are great too!
