Saturday, 21 November 2009

Making, baking and a spot more knitting.

After my initial devastation at breaking my blender( cracked the jug...arrrggh) i discovered its till good for smoothies you just need plenty of clothes for mopping up purposes! My new fav smoothie of the week is this lovely berry number ( still equally as nice with obligatory handfuls of spinach , just turned it a rather horrible brown colour so here it is pre-greens)
Finally made a start on advent decorations , que excessive use of glitter and felt.

My Mum , Dad and Nana came to visit us today with some early birthady presents for Jamie and a LOVELY big pile of wool for me!!!! It was so lovely to see everyone and to get some knitting help from my Mum. In honour of the occasion i baked a cake and bought strawberries even though they were dutch , not in season, EXPENSIVE, and not as nice as when you have then in June! You'll be pleased to hear i managed to choke them down anyway.

My lovely new wool ( are we sensing an obsession here?)

That little row has grown and had some red added! And unable to contain my excitement and wait until i've finished one project i have already started on some arm warmers , green and red stripes ( do you see a theme emerging here?) I might have to forgo sleep tonight to get them finished . Addicted moi?

1 comment:

  1. Cake looks delicious! Your knitting is coming along great too; nice to see your yarn collection is already beginning to breed. ;)
