Monday, 2 November 2009


Mwahahaha!I do LOVE dressing up , and what better excuse than your sister in laws halloween party.
We had a BRILLIANT time , the kids love seeing their cousins and its always so nice to catch up with family , especially because we don't live that close .

The night before we went to watch Martin's youngest brother in a Harold Pinter play. He was really good . I was so impressed and shocked at how much he reminded me of his big bro when he was in character. I really enjoyed the play itself too,( i'd heard some Pinter plays can be a bit heavy going , but this was really entertaining and darkly comedic )

The children stayed at Martins mums so it was really nice that they got to spend some time with Granny while we got to do some ' grown up' stuff , not sure they're really into Pinter anyway!

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