It has been 30 days now since i started my green smoothie challenge, and parts of it have been a challenge!
I have LOVED the smoothies every morning and will definately keep them up, i did one morning have a bright pink smoothie ( beetroot) when we were away and i forgot to pack the spinach ( what a bizarre sentance that is , normally its your toothbrush you forget!) . It was nowhere near as nice , i found it way too sweet and a bit syrupy( urgh)
Anyway on to the sweet stuff, this i found harder than any other aspect . At times ( when others were eating chocolate) i found it torture. But towards the end i found i wasn't as bothered about it. It was easier to just not have anything sweet rather than use alternatives , as it didn't always quite hit the spot. I don't know that i will definately keep quite so rigidly to this but i will def give it a go. The other things, the exercise, the no pop, the salad with every meal were relatively easy (although i didn't always have a salad , because it just didn't go with some things !)
On the whole the noticable improvements have been
Less energy slumps, not specifically heaps more enrgy but definately less peaks and troughs.
I've noticed that i feel happier, or perhaps less irritable.
My digestion (tmi) has been better
And i'm sure it has helped with the fact that i haven't caught this dreadful cold/ bug thing yet ( famous last words!)
On the whole i'm really pleased i did it and will definately carry on with it ( although perhaps not so rigidly!)