Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Where is the time going?

Im 35 weeks now ( 36 on Friday!) and it is going so quickly! Things that i planned to get done , serious nesting, sorting, decorating, creating stuff seems to be building up as my due date looms near. Physically i'm feeling good ( apart from bending over issues and restless legs ) and i finally seem to have hit that blooming bit, my skins never been so clear ( that makes up for the early months of looking distinctly grey!) I have however been a hormonal nightmare switching from perfectly calm and happy to furious harpy without a moments warning . Today has been a calm and happy one though so we'll ignore the horrible shouty woman and maybe she'll go away! I have been given the all clear for a hb , have been listening to some hypnobirthing cds lent to me by a lovely mama :-) reading up on ec , lent to me by another lovely mama :-) making some washable wipes and breastpads and generally attempting to get things done!

My babys little stash of belongings. Nearly all preloved or handmade and all fairly unisex at the minute (oooooooh girl or boy?) Everyone loves to have a guess and at the minute most people seem to be plumping for girl , perhaps because of this i have now decided i think babies a boy!

I'm so excited to meet our new little one , but am trying to treasure my last few weeks of being pregnant and appreciate how amazing it feels every time i feel a little foot or fist.
I'm hoping to make a birthing necklace to wear during labour , if anyone would like to send me a bead to thread onto it i would be honoured to include it! If you email me at i'll send you my address.
And finally a rainbow wrap just crying out for a squishy baba to put in it.

Monday, 6 September 2010

New tidy dreads

Whilst we were away i had the chance to visit the lovely Abbi and Paul at Blue Bramble Dreads...and what miracle workers they are! Taking some rather messy looking locks and turning them into lovely tidy dreads , using nothing but a crochet hook!!
It took a fair few hours over a couple of evenings but it was actually really relaxing and sooo worth it!



You can find them by doing a search on facebook or if i have done it properly ( and you are on facebook i think ) you should be able to find them by clicking on the link!!/pages/Norwich/Blue-Bramble-Dreads/130652430286822

Back again

We have returned from another jolly jaunt , in Norfolk this time. I had hoped to post lots of pics of what we got up to but am having a bit of a problem transferring them all , technology eh! ( Or perhaps it might be me at fault??!!)

It feels like the past six weeks have been a whirl of activity and business we have had birthdays, barbeques, holidays , a wedding , retirement do's , days out, appointments, learnt swimming ,snorkelling , oil pastels, felting, crochet, fimo, suduko, geo cacheing and much more besides and i've hardly shared any of it! Thats the trouble with being busy! Anyway things are suddenly going to be very quiet around here . Martin is going back to work and my little lovelies are going to school and i will have a lot of spare time on my hands for ooh about 7 weeks ! Anyway hopefully 7 weeks should just about give me time to sort out the house, garden , food , decorating, and lots and lots of sleeping ...and a spot of crochet !

latest pair of booties

On the way to the beach , with our new bottle holder...are you spotting a theme?

The beach at Hopton
