Thursday, 25 February 2010


Yesterday we found out that I am pregnant! Oh! This has come as rather a surprise as we hadn't planned a fourth baby.
But here we are anyway celebrating our new little life , ( albeit in a state of surprise)
We're thinking of all the wonderful positive things this will bring ( and not dwelling on the more awkward areas it may throw up )
And right now i'm focusing on keeping this little pip safe and nurtured, and all the other little lovelies happy and content.

Sunday, 21 February 2010

Saturday, 20 February 2010

This week

Has been a busy no particular order we have done lots of creating , indulged in a spot of semi naked chess ( who doesn't love that?) eaten muchos pancakes with our favourite toppings ( mines Marmite) attempted some crochet ( they weren't supposed to be flowers they were supposed to be a rectangle) eaten some snowflakes, taken Jamie to A and E to have his forehead glued together ( yes really) Harry potter eat your heart out and last but definately not least we bought A CAMPERVAN !!

I am a little bit excited about that last one , can you tell ! The pics don't really do it justice but i'm afraid we have been too busy driving it to photograph it!

Friday, 12 February 2010

How very rubbish of me!

I'm getting a bit slack at updating the old blog at the minute, i regularly pop on and catch up on other peoples but then don't get round to doing my own !! And i haven't even uploaded any pics either , tut tut. I've taken some nice ones too of the snow .......the snow that happened for all of about half an hour but has actually stuck around ( on one side of the road at least!)

Seeing as i've neglected you and left you pictureless i'll share some news instead.

I now have a job! Haven't started yet and not actually sure when i will , or actually what exactly i'm doing , or what hours i'll be working.....its all sounding a little vague isn't it ...but i'm actually looking forward to it. I will be an environmental sessional worker. So sort of called upon when there is a project my skills are required for ( ooh i sound posh now don't i !) and if i am available i accept and go and do it. Think its going to be mainly working with children and young people within the community doing environmental work, veg planting, wildlife saving, canal clearing fun!

More work related news of a different kind. Kirstie and H who run have asked me to become more involved with the business and become a third member. Which i have accepted and am VERY excited about . I already had work on the website but now i'm a bit more involved with, advertising, planning, blogging etc ( check out the trash blog on my side bar )

We're also looking at getting a campervan...we have been looking to get one for the past about five years now so now we are hoping to make it a reality, hopefully in time for the spring , summer festivals.

On the whole things are going well at the minute ( when the kids aren't arguing amongst themselves) so all i need to work on now is remaining CALM AT ALL TIMES! And not sweating the small stuff as they say

repeat after me

I am an oasis of calm
my children love and respect each other
we are kind to each other
and we definately don't ever shout 'that's not fair!! 'at our mummy and daddy! .....oh dear it was going so well wasn't it!

Thursday, 4 February 2010

Rainbow makes

Or otherwise known as ' things that can be made from a straight piece of knitting' I have yet to follow a pattern or deviate from the ONE stitch i am confident in doing but i feel there are many more 'things that can be made from a straight piece of knitting' that i haven't fully exhausted yet before i branch out into patterns! This is a bag i made from some wool my Mum got me . I thought it was going to be REALLY awkward to knit with , but it surprisingly wasn't too bad.
I lined it with some material i got from fabric rehab and then plaited some cord i had for a strap.

' Oh Mummy! I like your bag can you made me one too! '

Winter sun

The weekend was gloriously sunny , freezing cold , but still really bright . We went exploring at our favourite park armed with a thermos of veg soup , some bread and some veg sticks , the camera and plenty of warm clothes .Along the way we picked up many 'special' sticks which never made it back to the car ( oh what a shame !)

The ground was still frozen and really crunchy so amazingly for us we didn't get that muddy. The sunlight was beautiful streaming through the trees , it all looked so bright and in places really dusty, hard to believe looking at the photos it was January and COLD!

We didn't get to stay as long as i would have liked as the children decided to bicker and argue over every little thing ( how can you argue when there's masses of space for you to be in and nobody is asking anything of you ??!!) so we decided to go home and relax in the warmth ( ooh its a hard life isn't it !)